You might relate to that – I have spent countless hours on web copy and the refining the rest of my messages. It is different to describe things on paper or web versus when you actually speak to people. Also when you are having conversations – what is the emphasis of your message and what words you use becomes important. I started this business 2 years ago and I have been growing nicely so far. My message has been consistently about marketing plan and strategy. I have my speaking topics and my whitepaper on the Top Marketing Tips that I have used all that time. They have worked well for me. Usually I get some people raising their hands who want to talk to me from most events where my Ideal Clients are. What my hope for this year was the possibility to at least double the results that I had achieved so far from speaking.
About half a year ago, I started feeling that I need to refine my message. It no longer spoke to me the way it had when I started my business and I also felt the energy was not quite the same from the audience.
My everyday conversations and elevator speeches had shifted more towards finding your confident marketing style, but my speaking engagements were still about Top 7 Marketing Mistakes and Marketing Plan. I spoke to my coach about it and at the end of last year Tara Butler introduced me to Beth Grant – a writer, speaker and thought leader who helps you be yourself in business, in love, in life. I was immediately attracted to Beth’s Archetype Alignment Grid and how she had brought out so precisely what I had been looking for the past year. I signed up for her Certification Program on the spot and immersed myself in learning the Archetypes.
Last month (February 2015), I was finally ready to come out with my new refined message. I had a chance to speak about Discovering Your Natural Marketing Style – based on what I had studied in Beth Grant’s Certification program. It felt so natural to me and I was so glad that I had the structure to guide what I had intuitively tried to say all along. Even though it was my very first time with the new topic, I was positively surprised by the results – almost half of the people who attended the event, signed up for a 30 min. free talk with me. Usually I get 10-15% of the people to sign up, but that was more than double the results. Yippee! Just what I had hoped for this year and already in February!
Where is your message not conveying what your business is about? What do you need to change in order to double your results? Leave your comments here or connect with me in social media for a chat.