I have just started my certification course with CTI – Coaches Training Institute. I have coached people over the two years after I finished with the CTI training in London. Yet reading the materials over again and discussing them with my certification Podmates, opens up new nuances and really reinforces the skills.
CTI teaches co-active life coaching. That might seem odd to people who have heard me preach about niche, that I go out and learn more about something so broad as life-coaching. I am not going against my own beliefs, though. What I am doing is deepening my learning around how to make change happen. When people come to me to get help in finding new clients and becoming a confident marketeer, what they really are looking for is changing what they are doing into something more productive.
What we end up working on is removing barriers from the path towards their goal – belief systems that have been adopted as reality and that stunt growth possibilities.
Here is an example. Most of us have been in a situation where we know what we need to do, we are just not either finding time for it or even when there is time, we spend it on something trivial instead. Just having someone to follow up with you might help – we don’t want to seem like we do not have our act together and we do it by the time the next coaching session comes along. Sometimes having a coach or a friend follow up with you is not enough. This is where the life-coaching skills come handy – looking for the real reason why this particular task does not get done. The ability to work with different perspectives and dig deeper and remove the obstacle that is keeping us from being our true magnificent selves – that is the skill that I am deepening the most during those certification courses.
Marketing is not just about the right plan, it is very much about making the plan happen. The best plan is worth nothing unless you take steps every day that take you closer to your goals.
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