Confident Leadership Coach

Ideal client – the benefits of focus

What if you let go of your fear that you have to work with anyone who is interested in your services or products and really defined who is you Ideal Client? Hit your ‘bull’s eye’ and get maximum points. Let’s look at the benefits of focus here:

– Choice of topics, tone and content when writing your blog, social media postings or newsletters becomes easy – you know what challenges your Ideal client has and what they want to read about.

– You recognize your Ideal client in networking meetings and you are prepared to talk about your offers in a way that draws them in and they want to know more.

– You will have more time at your hands, because you are not spending it chasing after clients who are not attracted to your services or products.

– You love working with your clients, they ‘get’ you and you ‘get’ them.

– Your clients are happy because you are able to help them just the way they need and they are very happy to refer you.

– You get to focus on what you are good at and become even better at it.

– Your employees and business partners find it easy to find clients for you and do a good job in promoting you.

If you are not sure how to get started with defining your Ideal client, sign up for one of my Complimentary Confident Marketing Breakthrough calls and we can go over what you are already doing right in marketing yourself and see if it makes sense for us to work together.

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