
Confident Leadership Coach

Reflecting on results

There are just a few weeks left of 2014 and most of us have started looking back and thinking what has this year brought. Some of us are very happy with the results and others want to go back and fix some key points where things did not quite work out. The hardest part of […]

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Confident Leadership Coach

Marketing objectives 2015

Setting objectives sounds like hard work, doesn’t it? Some of you might remember a few objectives that you have set that you did not reach and what a loser you felt afterwards? Yet, at the same time objectives are almost a necessary evil. How can you know whether you are able to go on that

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Confident Leadership Coach

Yoga and confident marketing

What is it that connects yoga and confident marketing? This is a question I had to answer just recently. When an organizer of a Meetup group asked me what could they do to bring more movement and play into their regular lecture type sessions, I blurted out – how about yoga and marketing? A week

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Confident Leadership Coach

What is confident marketing?

Confidence comes with practice some say – once you get better at something you’ll also become more confident. Others say that you are born with it – you either are confident or not. I believe in the first statement – you can practice things and become more confident, even if you start out being very

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Confident Leadership Coach

Niche is being more who you are

When I looked up the definition of ‘niche’ in Merriam-Webster, I was positively surprised – it seems like a marketing person has written the definition:niche is (1) a job, activity, etc., that is very suitable for someone(2) the situation in which a business’s products or services can succeed by being sold to a particular kind

Niche is being more who you are READ MORE »

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