What is a Marketing pipeline

Some of the challenges that my clients come to me with are setting up their marketing in a way that helps them bring a steady flow of their ideal clients to their business. Very often people have tried different things and the results are not consistent or there is no response. That is where an understanding…

Marketing message key points

You might have noticed how some of the marketing messages that are used when describing a product or a service, make you go Yes! – I get it and I want to explore further. Whereas the others make you go – I probably need it, but if they sell it this way, I will never…

Lead generation

Lead generation might be considered by some people a sales tool  and not so much related to marketing. Yet, classify it as you may,  lead generation is effective only if you have thought through who is  your Ideal client and what is the message that you need to tell them  about your product or service.…

Are you everything to all people?

Another thing that struck me, when interviewing small business owners, was the number of people who had no idea who their customer is. I got answers like: ‘anyone with a wallet’, ‘anyone who needs my services’. It is obvious that we want people to pay for our services, but the question here is – who…