Fall back to business!

Fall is here and just like children are all back at school, adults are getting serious about their business again. The air changes to crisper and days become shorter, business activities resume with full energy after the Labour Day weekend. People are reconnecting and going back to their usual meetings and routines. I also notice the…


Marketing mediums

What marketing mediums are out there? I was asked that question at one of my speaking events. I liked the choice of words – marketing mediums and not advertising mediums. Marketing medium has a much wider meaning than advertising medium – usually advertising mediums can be bought for money and they are institutionalized – you buy space…


Confidence to jump

I witnessed something amazing the other day – four goslings hatched to the couple of Canada geese on our balcony on the 14th floor. The cute little goslings were piping and scuttling on the safety of the balcony edge (about a meter wide with bushes and grass) until it was time for them to take off…
