Marketing mediums

What marketing mediums are out there? I was asked that question at one of my speaking events. I liked the choice of words – marketing mediums and not advertising mediums. Marketing medium has a much wider meaning than advertising medium – usually advertising mediums can be bought for money and they are institutionalized – you buy space…

Confidence to jump

I witnessed something amazing the other day – four goslings hatched to the couple of Canada geese on our balcony on the 14th floor. The cute little goslings were piping and scuttling on the safety of the balcony edge (about a meter wide with bushes and grass) until it was time for them to take off…

What is a Marketing pipeline

Some of the challenges that my clients come to me with are setting up their marketing in a way that helps them bring a steady flow of their ideal clients to their business. Very often people have tried different things and the results are not consistent or there is no response. That is where an understanding…

Marketing message key points

You might have noticed how some of the marketing messages that are used when describing a product or a service, make you go Yes! – I get it and I want to explore further. Whereas the others make you go – I probably need it, but if they sell it this way, I will never…